Where Do Your Patch Leads Come From?

Imported unbranded patch leads can be low cost and may serve their purpose in general non business critical applications. But isn’t the network your business runs on critical? Why go to all the trouble of specifying a branded network cabling solution and then find that you are relying on non-branded imported patch leads from an unknown source? Having been in the cabling industry for many years and visited many factories both in Europe the USA and the far east, we have seen some excellent manufacturing processes and some terrible ones. This included a production line manufacturing fibre cable assemblies alongside a line of printers churning out test results that had nothing to do with each other until they ended up in the same bag! Inconsistency in sourcing connectors and cable, corners cut on investment in test equipment, training and a lack of quality control all means that you may never get quite the same thing twice in a row. At a time when its so easy to Google a product and find a source on a nice looking web site its more important than ever to know who you are dealing with and to know what you will get - every time.
xSiCute customers chose to purchase our UK manufactured fibre patch leads and Pre-terms because they are ideal for business-critical networks where consistent performance and quality is the key driver. Our Milton Keynes factory is equipped with the latest design, fibre polishing, terminating and test equipment including a Dasi Interferometer for all 1.5mm, 2.5mm and APC ferrules. Bench top Insertion/Return Loss testers providing highly reliable and stable performance with integrated stable laser source, optical power meters, insertion loss and return loss testers and label printers for bespoke requirements. In short, every single connection is fully tested. Our order system ensures checks against spec, customer order and agreed delivery time. Batch traceable works orders and quality checks throughout the order process ensure accuracy.